Quality Label for eDigiSkills
L. to r: F. Fischer, Michael, Achim, H. Feldmeier, Bastian, E. Kammertöns, J.Brunner
On 19th July the eTwinning Quality Label was handed over to Realschule Regenstauf by Schulen-ans-Netz, eTwinning NSS Germany, as to excellent project work.
I think this is a decoration for all partners of eTwinning DigiSkills!
Congratulations, Hans. You are the right winner! Your eTwinning website and its multiple ressources surely deserve the eTwinning quality label!
Uschi Schmack (from the coordinating school Richard-Wagner-Gymnasium Bayreuth of the COMENIUS 1.3. school development project 'DigiSkills'- Developing digital skills @ school)
12:29 PM
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